2021-05-23 - MCRRC Run Aware 5k

^z 8th March 2023 at 7:21am

~4.8 mi @ ~19.6 min/mi & ~3.1 mi @ ~15.6 min/mi

"Going on holiday is a gift to your colleagues – a chance for them to shine in your absence!" 🤖 & 🔥 meander along the northern segment of Cabin John Stream Valley Trail. Three Sunday sunrise bunnies scamper away at their approach. Mindful conversation includes happy family news and tough questions about how to help repair a flawed world. And then, an hour later ...

"... Great job, Sir!" At the finish line 🤖 gives a fist-bump to the 6-year-old who beats him by 12 seconds. Kind 🔥 paces during the MCRRC "Run Aware" 5k cross-country race, where the official outcome is 47:51, good for 103rd of 107 finishers (63rd of 65 males, 5th of 6 in the Old Codger age group). 🧽 & 🐻 start later and zip past at mile ~2 to finish far ahead.

(trackfile & trackfile) - ^z - 2021-06-23